
Monday, February 16, 2015

The Things We Say

1.  Spice-  There is nothing to fear but fear itself... In the meantime, find a less dangerous activity to keep you occupied!
(Uh Oh.)

2.  Me-  It's not a hobby for me.  It's replaced the dancing...

3.  Dr C (2 weeks after surgery, 4 days without a cast)-  Work Harder.
(I have never in my whole life been told by anyone, to work harder!!!)

4.  Mayflower-  I want to know how you manage to get your arm cast into your dresses!
(Large armholes to twist, turn, and climb into)

5.  Me-  Go ahead and force it to bend at an 8 (7,8, 9 being severe pain).

6.  Therapist-  No, no, I'm really concerned about the swelling.

7.  Dr P-  Work Harder!  The elbow gets very stiff easily!  Get your husband to help you push!
(My Husband)
8.  Me-  Baby?  Can you help me floss my teeth?

9.  YL-  Tam, don't forget, you are strong!
(But I don't feel strong, and I have to work harder.)

10a.   Husband-  Well, I'm glad you like your doctors and you understand hard work.
10b.  Husband-  You have to understand, Baby... most people are much shorter than me.
(My Tall Husband)

11.  K-  You've almost turned cast and sling into a fashion statement!

12.  Trace and I chorusing- No, no, no, we don't wear bikinis anymore!

13.  K-  Bruno is doing just fine...
photo credit-  House of Mutt
So all you got to do is focus on yourself.
(Alright then.  Off I go to focus and Work Harder.)

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