
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Finally, A New Set of Wheels!

Four times a week on our new schedule, Bruno and I walk, a scenic 2.1miles before 9am.
Bruno waiting for the lights at the Natural History Museum...
My feet are blistered and I am burnt too brown, despite all attempts at sun protection.

I think of the walk as preparing me for the day's activities.  But often I wonder if there is a quicker way to get us to Fulham Road.  With the recent clear skies, I keep wondering if I should get a bike.

As I was wondering, the bus I was sitting in, collided with a car. 

When God speaks this loudly, I had better listen, and think of a more imaginative Plan B.

Plan B looks like this:

It's the Ibiyaya City Pet Stroller.  I found it at a discounted price (50%!) on Pet Planet.  I received it yesterday, and introduced Bruno to his new buggy.
The Introduction
Someone once asked- don't I just pick Bruno up and put him in his bag(S)?
No, I don't.  The idea is to teach him new vocabulary ("buggy"), and to teach him ownership (of action), building confidence ("Bruno, inside buggy- good boy, Bruno!") and continued good behaviour.

We practised entering and exiting the buggy a few times.  By now, this sort of activity is too easy for Bruno.
Bruno says- Ok, and?
So we progressed to zipping the front flap up, and wheeling him about.  
Bruno sits, stays, keeps his focus fully on me.

Lastly, we practised parking the buggy beside, my basket.  Because aside from my purse, the basket goes everywhere with us on our new schedule.

Reasons for a pet stroller:
-  Bruno is not a hyper dog.  2.1 miles is frankly not necessary for him, even though he doesn't complain at all.  The idea is to let him walk through the park, then let him rest in the stroller for the rest of the journey.
-  Think of it as a kennel/crate on wheels.  Although Bruno is now finally settled at the Spa, this gives us more options for when I need to take him/leave him secured in a new place.
-  We are either walking or riding the bus.  There is a designated area on the bus for wheelchairs and buggies.
I am thinking it would help make our commuting more pleasant.
-  I am trying to lessen the weighty load on my arms, travel with less fuss.

Today's Test Drive/Results:
-  I am out of practice.  It's been ages since I've pushed a stroller.  Our commute took longer than usual.
-  London roads are not even.  (Imagine if we were on a bike!!!  Thank God I listened to Him!)  
-  London sidewalks are worse!  Some are cobbled, some are paved and many have potholes!
(All this means that it could actually be a very bumpy ride for Bruno...)
Bruno seems quite unperturbed.  Good Boy, Brunz!
- Thank God, I didn't pay full price for this.  I hope the wheels stay on!!!
-  The information states that this stroller can accommodate up to 10 kgs in weight of a dog.  I don't agree.  Bruno is 2.6kgs, it fits him just fine, with space to stretch and relax.   I don't think it is built strong enough for a heavier dog.
-  The stroller is a great idea for our commute on the bus!
Bruno/Buggy and Basket, as practised, parked side by side.
We get lucky with parking space, the brakes work effectively.  With Bruno contained away from other passengers, I feel the chances of us being harassed are diminished.

I am thinking that the stroller would be especially useful when traveling within an airport.  Unlike a dog carrier, it would take away all the weight from one's back/shoulders especially when waiting in lines.  When ready to board the plane, I could fold it up, hand it to the flight attendant for storage, and then transfer Bruno into his bag.
Bruno says- Good thinking, Mom!
The product is light-weight and nifty.  Assembly was easy, without the need for tools.  I just wish it was more of a quality product.  But at 39 pounds with free delivery, it's not a bad deal, and we're both pretty pleased.


  1. Hey! :) This is probably quite irrelevant to your post, but do you by any chance remember your Sec school friends? :) (P/S: Your dog is really adorable :))

  2. (I have a strong hunch you know my mom)
