
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Roaring & Rolling

I'm on a roll!  This morning we go to The Holding Company (241-245 King's Road), a short bus ride from the hotel.  Fred and Stephanie were a great help.

Fred-  How would you like all this to be delivered?

I'm going to hail a cab.  
Put as much as you can into the basket, don't bother packing it up.  Please would you help me carry everything to the sidewalk?  
Cue to throw in a winning smile!

I stand on King's Road with Bruno cradled in one arm.  Then the New Yorker from last century took me by surprise.  Before I could even think, I waved across to the opposite lane and roared- TAXI!

(OMG.  I can't believe I just did that.)

The taxi halts, traffic piles up, the driver sticks his head out and says- "I'm coming, I'm coming!", and does a crazy u-turn in the height of the afternoon, and all I can do is try not to dissolve into fits of manic laughter.
Action scene at the back of a London cab.
When we get to the flat, the driver jumps out, opens the door for me, and says- "I'll help you, Miss!"

Are you sure?  I can do it.

"Let me help you, Miss!"

I beam at him.  He carries the rails, and the filled basket up to the front door.  I carry the toilet rack thingy.  I thank him profusely.  He lifts his arm, Goodbye.  Then I see that he has carried everything for me, with the only arm that he has.  I catch my breath.  I think, God just sent me an angel.

When I enter the shared hallway of the building I will be living in, another sight greets me.
Everything my husband ordered on my behalf from The White Company on that melt-down Saturday, only three days ago, is here!  Not only are they here, a neighbor whom I have yet to meet, had to sign for them- ah, the kindness of strangers!
Look closely- even Bruno is smiling!
 If that man with only one arm, could do a kamakazi u-turn, and carry two heavy items with one arm up a flight of stairs, what excuse have I got?  I felt so humbled by his help that I cheerfully pranced up two flights- whistle while you work!
The pillows came, the shower curtain came, the hooks, the bath towels, kitchen linen, bath mats, all came.  Even the heart-shapped wooden boards for slicing/serving cheese/sushi/fruit came.

And as I am whistling and working, John Lewis delivers the vacuum cleaner!!!
I know, I know what God is teaching me now.  It has to do with what Trace said.  Trace said:
1.  You are Flexible.
2.  But with age, we become less flexible (paraphrasing here).

I 've been mulling over what Trace said.  Here's what I've learnt in the last few days:
I refuse to age into an old, inflexible woman.  I don't want my body, my mind, nor my spirit to become rigid, and set in a concrete pattern.  So the only way to combat that is, with the daily practice of stretching exercises tossed my way.  And that is what God is teaching me.

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